
Here you will find all the informations to apply for the Master T2MC depending on your situation.

The first year of the master (M1) is open to students who possess a Scientific Bachelor degree in the following fields: 

  • Chemistry 
  • Physical Sciences 
  • Biochemistry 

It is also open to candidates with an equivalent diploma. Moreover, candidates can apply, upon selection, to candidate with an accreditation of learning (AL) or an accreditation of prior experiential learning (APPEL). 

Finally, in addition to scientific training, candidates must certify having acquired level B2 in English to integrate the T2MC master. 

A dual degree is proposed with UCT Prague (The Czech Republic). For more informations, see the page about joint honours degree or contact Dr Richard DECREAU or Pr Charles DEVILLERS at the following address: 

The second year of the master (M2) can be accessed by right by students who have obtained the M1 T2MC.

Candidates can apply, after selection, if they possess a first year of Master of Chemistry or an equivalent degree, from uB or another French of Foreign university.

Students who possess an engineering degree may also be eligible to the course. However, having acquired skills in the following fields is highly advised:

  • General chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry

Likewise, it is possible to do the second year of the Master on block release. In order to do that, please contact Pr Charles DEVILLERS at the following address: or contact the organization in charge of continuing education at Université de Bourgogne, the SEFCA (Common service of continuing education and block release training).

Finally, students in the final year of ESIREM (Dijon, France) have the possibility to taking part of the M2 courses to obtain a double diploma by choosing 3 Teaching Units out of the 4 fundamental and applied education ones (CU11D, CU12D, CU13D, CU14D [see the program]).

Useful contacts:
Master’s supervisors:

General administration:

Registration platforms:

Application dates and fees for 2024/2025:

01/01/2024 to 01/01/2025
Registration fees: 250€
CVEC (student life contribution fees): 103€
Students having a CROUS scholarship (based on social criterias) are exempted to pay tuition fees and CVEC)

Please note that the number of places in the master is limited. We advise you not to apply at the last moment to secure your place in the master.

Students with a french diploma

Formal education

You are not registered at the UFR Sciences et Techniques for the 2023-2024 academic year

To submit an application (M1 or M2), please contact the master’s supervisors. If you are admissible, you will have to upload the application file and the substantiating documents list here, then ask for an appointment by mail only with the secretariat.
Application will be assessed on the quality of the academic record, motivation for training and the professional project of the candidate.

You are registered at the UFR Sciences et Techniques for the 2023-2024 academic year


Please contact the persons in charge of the training year, Dr Richard DECREAU and Pr Charles DEVILLERS, at the following address: If you are admissible, you can access to the master by following the usual registration procedure at the Université de Bourgogne, via your ENT.


You can register by right if you have obtained your M1 T2MC. Registration will take place via your ENT. For any other situation, please contact the general administration:

Continuing education 

The two years of the Master TM2C master are open to candidates who can benefit from the continuing education regime, provided that they have validated an accreditation of learning (AL) or an accreditation of prior experiential learning (APPEL).

To apply, contact Dr Richard DECRÉAU and Pr Charles DEVILLERS at the following address: or contact directly with the organization in charge of continuing education at Université de Bourgogne, the SEFCA (Common service of continuing education and block release training).

International students

If you do not possess a French diploma, then you must submit your candidature on E-candidat. The UBFC International Office can help you for the procedure, you can contact

Application will be assessed on the quality of the academic record, motivation for training and the professional project of the candidate. For any question relating to procedure for your visit to France (visa, financial aid, etc.), please contact