Covid-19: News

› News on the April 23th, 2021
Following the announcement of the French President, every Final Examination (except from Continuous Examination) is postponed until the end of the lockdown in May. Afterwards, students will, once again, only be authorized to access the building for lab works and for exams, or for administrative reasons with an appointment. However, those new restrictions have not slowed down the Master’s continuation. Indeed, despite the sanitary situation, each student (M1 and M2) have successfully found an internship, 3 of them being abroad in M1 students.
› News on the October 15th, 2020
On Saturday, October 10th, Dijon reaches a new level of alert regarding Covid-19. The University adopts the “50% occupation of space” measure, meaning that only half of the rooms’ capacity must be occupied by students.
For M1, the issue is about the mutualized lectures with other masters. As for M2, their usual room is not big enough to be secure for all the M2 students.
The pedagogical supervisors are doing their best to find solutions to this situation.
› News on July 26th, 2020
After the presidential allocution announcing that from March 16th 2020 people have to stay locked in their homes, universities, as a lot of sectors, had to close their doors to the public. Even if the situation is going better, a return to what we were used before is however not for today.
Measures taken during the crisis
The sanitary crisis happened right during the internships period for Master T2MC. Regarding M1, abroad internships were at first delayed, then cancelled. As for M2, since their internship had started since January they had to continue them by working from home.
Even if some students could go back to their laboratories after the lift of the lockdown, the lack of practice in laboratories as well as the very different situations of the students had not to be forgotten. As such, the modalities of evaluation of the internship reports and their oral defenses had been modified for M1 as well as for M2.
Start of the 2020 academic year
For the academic year 2020-2021, students should be able to come in classes for the two years of the master. The situation being very likely to change, if you have any question please contact us at
Do not forget to follow general guidelines
Official news on Covid-19
Help for students
News mail address of the Université de Bourgogne