
M1 T2MC year is composed of Teaching Units taught in English and divided in two semesters:

The first semester:

  • 4 UE of fundamental chemistry courses
  • 1 UE of interdisciplinaries skills (research documents, organometallic practical works and laboratory projects)

The second semester:

  • 4 UE of specialized and applied courses
  • An internship of 5 month maximum

There are two sessions:

  • The first session takes place in January for the S1 and in March/April for the S2, before the internship period.
  • The second session concerns students who did not acquire a general average of 10/20 on the year (average of S1 and S2). It takes place at the end of August.

For a good reading of the table, here is the definition of the different acronyms :

Course Unit Lecture Tutorial classes Practical Work European Credits Transfer System