Beginning of the autumn semester
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Covid-19: News

[23/04/2021] › News on the April 23th, 2021 Following the announcement of the French President, every Final Examination (except from Continuous Examination) is postponed until

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The Master “Molecular Chemistry” with the “Transition Metals in Molecular Chemistry” (T2MC) specialization is a two years training taking place at Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Dijon (France). Students of the Master T2MC acquire highlevel skills in Molecular Chemistry, which can be applied to different sectors such as health, sustainable development, environment and so on.  Opportunities are numerous, whether to enter the professional world as an engineer or to head towards Research and prepare a PhD. 

The training is mostly taught in English, which gives this diploma an international dimension. Moreover, it is possible for students to complete their first year at UCT Prague in order to get a double diploma (UCT Prague and UBFC). This choice of dual degree accentuates the international value of the Master T2MC which is one of its characteristics. 

The training provides both theoretical and practical courses. Each year of the Master is punctuated by an internship period in the field of research or industry (up to 5 months in M1 and 6 months in M2). Moreover, for students wishing to increase their industrial profile, the M2 is open to block release training with a professional training contract.

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The master’s courses take place in Dijon (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, FRANCE). They are located in the UFR Sciences et Techniques’s building (called “Mirande”) on the Université de Bourgogne’s campus.

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